The Empowerment Centre & Jenifer Shapiro   


Integrative Resources for Self and Spiritual Empowerment.  

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What's Going On? (February 2007)


With all of the astrological changes this month, a lot of people have been e-mailing me asking me "what's going on?". Well, a few tidbits on that:)


Year Overview:  Basically, this is a powerful manifesting year and a year where great changes will take place, if we don’t fight them too much, and even if we do.  Think of this as rebirthing your life consciously noting that with this rebirthing, we need to take responsibility for our choices.  This year offers amazing opportunities for doing just this.


Jan-March Overview:  Bless your hearts, I know the past month was challenging for many people.  With all of the planetary shifting this year so far, there has been quite a bit of unearthing of intense emotions, including my own.  We may not want them when they come through but the energies are here to move them quickly so let’s take advantage of this movement and let them pass through, instead of holding on as what comes up now needs to clear.  We may also find that we are reacting to things in unusual ways.  Notice this and take the opportunity to learn how you want to react in the future.  This is a good time for initiating new realities.


*** Mind Practices including Visualizations will be very useful this time of year as are breathing techniques for clearing and balancing.


Earth Overview:  Yes, the earth is feeling different too for many people and if you are sensitive to this, the moon the past three  months has probably been pretty intense for you.  I’d encourage you to notice that it’s not only the moon that is activating you, there are deeper shifts occurring as the earth herself changes.  Sleep cycles, menstrual cycles and even eating cycles may feel off right now.  Much of this will come into more balance as we get closer to March and pass through the next retrograde.

For the Mercury Retrograde Dates, click here.


A bit on Mercury Retrograde in Feb-March 2007


As most are probably feeling, the shifts that occurred rather imposingly for most in January and February are clearing and this Mercury retrograde is going to be a lot lighter than most.  This doesn’t mean we should ignore it, we should still be conscious of our communications and realize that at times our e-mails may not go through ;) but it will feel lighter than recently or at least different. 


This will happen in part because there are other energies converging now that are more in the preparation limelight.  Preparation for new energies and for the opportunity to tap into new sources of energy are empowered now, even through the retrograde period.   There will be a lot of learning during this retrograde period and I’d encourage you to take some time after this period to process it as the information that comes through may feel disjointed during the retrograde and seem a lot clearer following it.


One thing to add, for some, the changes that have been occurring may have brought forth some physical challenges that had been suppressed, this is a time to clear them.  March through June will have some powerful transition energy and if you take responsibility and have faith in your healing process, you will have even more energy to move you forward into health and well-being.


For those of you interested in learning to shift your energies this year, join us for the shamanic courses and nourishing ourselves chakra course in March!


And let’s see how much FUN we can bring into the year.   That is an energy I’d certainly like to see all of us using more oftenJ.



Jenifer Shapiro



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