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Spiritual and Soul Services with Jenifer are a unique combination of shamanic work, energy work, intuitive work and spiritual guidance.   Her work is VERY grounded and doesn't follow a religious methodology, rather, believes in each individuals power to choose their path, and allows the work to take form on an energetic level of love for all.


All sessions are created to serve the unique needs of the individual. 


The core aspects of Jenifer's Spiritual and Soul Work are:


Spiritual Empowerment Counseling

Shamanic Journeying

Soul Retrieval Work


Scroll down for more information.


 Jenifer offers services by phone and in-person.



Spiritual Empowerment Counseling


"It is my belief that my work is not to tell people about what I'm seeing, but to guide them to new levels to see for themselves what their souls are trying to tell them."  


As a proven intuitive, I see various forms of energy and work with guides as I'm working with clients.  For example, as an individual speaks, I may see chakra activity or inactivity, I may receive information from others who've passed over, or I may get an intuitive hit that a past life energy is coming through.  


As I work with clients, I allow the process and energy to guide us to the work to do together and I set the intention to assist my clients in learning to tap into and trust their own intuitive capabilities.  


One aspect that I am VERY careful of is my LANGUAGE.  I believe many healers say things in ways that scare their clients, in fact, disempowering them not with the content of what they say (or sometimes with the content), but with the words they choose.


As a trained NLP practitioner and a metaphysician, I understand that thoughts take form, and I offer my clients the opportunity to work with an intuitive who will not 'put anything on them', but rather, offers them the tools to change from a state of empowerment.


A bit of guidance in working with intuitive healers/ psychics...


When a healer tells you of what they see in your future, they often are seeing what will happen if you don't change anything.  They are not seeing the only reality, rather, one choice of it.  


I encourage you to recognize that what you are provided by a healer, be it a psychic, astrologer or other healing professional, is a tool provided with an option for change.  YOU HAVE FREE WILL, and, in fact, I believe if you are seeking assistance, it is because you at some level know, there is something you need to change (i.e. there is something on your current path that is not working and you need to CHANGE your path, release energy, etc.).  Own your power and know that no one can tell you the only future, there are always options.


Shamanic Journeying


Shamanism is a practice that is both compatible with the beliefs of many religions and even individuals to go deeper into their religious beliefs or, as is often the case, clarify their true spiritual path in terms that fit for them.   


Shamans are healers.   In the past, shamans may have coined the names witch doctors, medicine men and many other terms as well.   The main practice of the shaman is to assist through courses of change and bring individuals closer to their true Selves.   Most shamans journey to other realms to gain access to energy/information that assists the individual in this plane.   Shamans work with guides in their process and many shamans also work with animal totems.


The core spirit of shamanism comes through it's deep connection to Nature. Shamans know that we are dependent on nature to survive and that nature means not only the trees and animals, but also the water, the wind, rocks and all of the spirits that reside in these aspects of Nature.


For a free consultation, click here.


Soul Retrieval Work


Soul Retrieval work is most beneficial for those who feel that they are stuck in old patterns or in need of guidance from their soul's knowing.   As a Shaman, Jenifer journey's for her clients to the underworld and works with guides and Spirit to gain understanding of the part of the client that was lost (soul loss) and brings back gifts and other energy (and many times an animal spirit) for the client to regain that part of herself that was lost and come closer to her Divine Self.  


The full process for Soul Retrieval includes chakra cleansing and the soul energy may be blown directly into the chakras.   During the session, while the Shaman is journeying (and therefore, in an altered state and not verbally communicating with her client), clients may also journey on their own as the healing is occurring on all levels.


After the session, the healing continues and, at the follow-up session, there is often an integration process that occurs through NLP, sacred drama work, IRT or energy balancing based on where the client is on there personal journey.


For more on Soul Retrieval, click here.


Contact Jenifer for a FREE phone consultation.



What's New
"Jenifer is very intuitive and is able to attune to your body/mind messages/signals and her work is very powerful yet gentle."


M.J., Phoenix area, AZ


"After one particular session, I felt more alive and open than I have ever felt in my life.  I operate now on a more conscious level...I have gained more awareness."


D.L., Bryn Mawr, PA


"Besides Ms. Shapiro's intelligence and extensive knowledge in the areas she practices, I have to thank God for her uncommon gifts of intuition and individual healing.  I felt like a new person after spending just one session with her!"


Gail, Reston, VA



Free Consultation

Not sure if my work is a fit for what you are looking for?  Contact Jenifer for a free consultation.  


'My goal is to offer the most effective services for my clients.  If I am not the right fit, I'll do my best to assist you in finding another professional that is.'



Copyright © 2000 |  Jenifer Shapiro and The Empowerment Centre, LLC

All Rights Reserved.  No reproduction of ANY type without written authorization.